Saturday, June 15, 2013

National Art Gallery

So on the 8th we visited the National Art Gallery. I must be honest and say I didn't quite enjoy the art there at first. But after a few floors, down to the last two, I was beginning to love it. Maybe because the art displayed at the lowest floors were more modern and fun.

There were a few art that captured my attention.

First, It was Pago-Pago by Latiff Mohidin.
It was a picture of several boats and kayak stacked on each other. At least, that's what I thought it was. The boats were painted in simple shapes and it's design was a bit Red Indian inspired. The background is a big sun, I think it was setting because it's in orange. And also some leaves by the left corner. The colors used are dark and a bit heavy. Maybe because there was shadows and a mixture of colors.
The stacked boats and kayak was in the middle of the picture therefor making it the focus. I do wonder what is the significant of the stacking.

Second painting is Mindscape by Latiff Mohidin.
It was a huge archway that takes up the whole canvas. In the archway which was shaped like a long semi circle, was another long semi circle but it's smaller. Long semi circle meaning, think semi circle but vertically long.
The colors were a mixed of blue, red, orange, yellow, black and white. The whole archway was randomly painted the colors in random directions.
This painting reminded me of a mirror. Only this mirror showed me a hint of what heaven and hell can be like. For me this art really sent me a message. I got that one bad mistake or fall and we can go right to Hell as we only have one shot. Heaven is forever in front of us. It's just that step we take.

Third painting is Wong Woan Lee's Someone Forgotten.
This painting showed 3 different scenarios of an old man that laid on the floor at the bottom of the art.
Above the man showed the same old man dying alone while thinking of the past probably and here there was also a window with 2 people staring in, I wonder why didn't they come in and help the old man. And the other two surrounded by family and is happy.
The painting was painted with little bright colors. Everything was mostly in brown and orange. It felt as if the sun was setting here.

I took a few pictures at the gallery. My favorite of this drawing of the Korean Show Running Man's cast. ^^

This trip taught me that art is art because of the feelings a paint can give you and how one art cannot be perfectly duplicated because the artist made it with real raw feelings at that moment.
Oh I also felt that I can do better than some of the paintings there because I really did not understand how that painting is art. :(

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