Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Picture with a Message

This picture first caught my attention because of this little kid's tears. For me, this little kid is looking at he camera in a very vulnerable and sad way. I feel that he has not had the enjoyable childhood children are supposed to have. If anything, he looks like he comes from a poor background with very little to eat and filled with a lot of sadness.

The fact that this picture was taken in black and white only strengthens the emotions that are spilling out of the picture. He's overall features show the hardship he has gone through as his cheekbones and collar bone are showing very sharply.

I feel this picture takes the viewers into a world where we realise not everyone have the same luxury or luck. This picture is able to tell a story and make people realise that there are little kids like him, somewhere out there and they either have no food to eat, been used or have no opportunities like we have.

What I like about this picture is the simplicity of it. It lets the little kid speak on it's own leaving the world to interpret the cause of his sadness on their own.

This picture made me realise that I should be grateful for all that I have in life and if I am able, I should reach out to little kids like this to give them something back. Be it food, clothes or money.

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