Tuesday, June 4, 2013

My Colors

"What's your favorite color"
This question is really common and I get it all the time. I used to be able to answer it. Now however, I find myself in deep thoughts when asked this question. I've come to a conclusion that it depends on my mood of the day.

After a very long contemplation, I've decided that my all time favorite colors are Sexy Red and Angelic White

I like these colors because when I go shopping, I am attracted to those colors first. Especially White, I am super into white shirts because I feel they look good on me.
I basically have favorite colors because it compliments my skin and the colors are very fun and interesting.

Sexy Red is used everywhere. It shows energy, power, hotness and energy.
Red is the color of fire, the fire stations, post office box. Red can signify danger. Red feels risky.
I love red on dresses and lips!

White screams angelic to me. White is calm and in a way nothing because compared to all the beautiful colors out there, white sometimes feels lacking.
White is serene and it in a way represents heaven.
White can make other colors lighter.
I love the clouds and white tee shirts!
White can go with simply anything.


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