Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Elements of Design

The Elements of Design consists of Line, Shape, Color, Tone, Texture, Direction, Perspective Size and Mass.


  • A line is the connecting of two or more points.
  • It is the fundamental stroke first made.
  • Combined lines can form shapes or an image easily recognize.
  • Lines, depending on it's thickness, mass, and the way it's drawn can show movement, direction, show different textures as well as patterns.
  • Lines created the outer line of and image. It is sometimes the base of an image.
  • There are straight, curvy, horizontal, vertical and squiggly lines.
  • A shape is is a line that is closed. It is the area in the closed lines.
  • Every object is made out of shapes.
  • Shapes can come in many forms and sizes.
  • Pentagon, Square, Circle and Triangle are all examples of shapes.
  • There are 3 primary colors; Red, Blue and Yellow.
  • Secondary are the mixture of two primary colors.
  • Colors gives the picture a meaning. It can show the viewer the temperature of the picture, the intensity of the picture. In fact, color can tell you the era of when the picture was taken or drawn.
  • Colors are important and it has a guide on which color to mix with which as well as when to use which color.

  • Tone is the lightness and darkness of the object, image. Light can be bright and clear. Dark can be the shadows.
  • Tone can give and image it's solidness, the weight and also it's volume.
  • It is the surface you can either see or touch.
  • It can be rough, spiky, velvety, regular, irregular or smooth.
  • Added to make the object more special in terms of looks and feel.

  • Is the way the picture is drawn that your eyes automatically follow it from point A to point B.
  • The direction can be from top to bottom, left to right, upper slope to lower slope .
  • The direction can show the speed of the movement.
  • Balance directions give stability whereas imbalance directions give tension.

  • Is the way a picture is captured. It is the angle taken so that the viewer sees the picture from one point of view.
  • It helps give a depth and insight to the viewers into understanding the picture or image better.
  • Is the big or small of an object or area.
  • Size can help give space, show power and importance.
  • Helps indicate how heavy an object is.
  • It can show the amount of material in any sculptural works.

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